Once this application is available on your device, you should get the following notification. When this message appears, click on it (or to locate this application on your device, type “Vantage” in the search bar and select “Lenovo Commercial Vantage” from the search results).
Click “Launch” and you will be prompted to enter administrator credentials, enter your RHIT username and password and click “Yes”. Then the following screen will appear:
![Text<br><br>Description automatically generated](/api/data/v9.0/msdyn_knowledgearticleimages(16ef28f8-1f9c-ed11-aad1-000d3a8c98ad)/msdyn_blobfile/$value)
Once the installation is complete and the welcome screen below appears, accept both agreements by checking both boxes and click “Let’s go”.
![Graphical user interface, application<br><br>Description automatically generated](/api/data/v9.0/msdyn_knowledgearticleimages(19ef28f8-1f9c-ed11-aad1-000d3a8c98ad)/msdyn_blobfile/$value)
The application is now installed and you will be prompted to install driver updates moving forward as they become available. You may also keep your device up to date by checking for updates and installing drivers using the dashboard tool.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the installation or use of this new tool, please stop by the EIT Service Desk during regular business hours.
Click “Launch” and you will be prompted to enter administrator credentials, enter your RHIT username and password and click “Yes”. Then the following screen will appear:
Once the installation is complete and the welcome screen below appears, accept both agreements by checking both boxes and click “Let’s go”.
The application is now installed and you will be prompted to install driver updates moving forward as they become available. You may also keep your device up to date by checking for updates and installing drivers using the dashboard tool.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the installation or use of this new tool, please stop by the EIT Service Desk during regular business hours.