Windows App (FKA - Azure Virtual Desktop) is installed on Lenovo P1G5 and P1G6 laptops - (Freshman and Sophmore models)
To access the available desktop you can use one of several clients. The web client allows access from any web browser but if you are able to use either the PC or Mac client it provides a better experience. You will also need to setup OneDrive - Rose-Hulman to open or save documents. If you have any issues please contact the Rose-Hulman service desk and we will assist you.
PC Client
Install Windows App from the Microsoft Store
Click through Welcome screens
RHIT Remote Services offer two options:
1. Public Lab is a basic installation and is NOT licensed for academic software
2. Win 11 RHIT Desktop offers the installation and academic software - Click Connect on this Service
**IMPORTANT** Windows Security displays Enter your credentials - click on More choices - select your Rose email address and enter your password
When RHIT Desktop opens, there is a notification reminder that you will need to connect to your One Drive - Rose Hulman in order to save anything. If you do not connect One Drive - Rose Hulman, when you disconnect from RHIT Desktop everything you have completed will be deleted.
After connection, Win 11 RHIT Desktop will require Multi-Factor Authentication verification
Web Client
Remote Desktop Web Client
Mac Client
Windows App - Apple Store
Requires macOS 12.0 or later to function
Click on + in the upper right side and choose Add Workspace
Sign in with your Rose e-mail and password - verify MFA
RHIT Remote Services offer two options:
1. Public Lab is a basic installation and is NOT licensed for academic software
2. Win 11 RHIT Desktop offers the installation and academic software - Click Connect on this Service
iOS Client
Android Client